Yesterday evening, after a day at the apartment spent going to the gym, reading, writing, and playing with about six little girls of all ages around the complex for about an hour, Sowbe came over! The two of us walked to her house (which is just outside the walls of the apartments) and sat on her couch in her living room and chatted for about two hours. When we realized that it was already 7:15 p.m., we decided to start a movie that I had brought over called "Yes Man" with Jim Carrey. Seeing as Jim Carrey was in it, I thought that it was going to be a good movie...well, it wasn't that great at all. We ended up turning it off anyways when her parents got home so that all of us could talk together.
Sowbe's mother has had a pretty traumatizing week. A few days ago, after meeting with the Vice President of her company for a meeting, the office staff was asked to leave for lunch and a bunch of police cars showed up. Sowbe's mom then found out what had happened- because of the recession, the Vice President had to lay off some workers in the business. These workers that had been laid off had come back and beaten the Vice President nearly to death. He was in a state of unconsciousness and he died a short time later. Sowbe's mother and the rest of the office staff have had to take extreme care of themselves, and are not allowed to come to the office in their own cars and have to take an office car with their colleagues. This story has been posted in news all around the world, and covers the papers and news stations here. My dad even said that he saw an article about it, and he is half-way around the world! It has been a very sad and emotional time for those who worked at that company, and my sympathy goes out to the family that has been effected by this tragedy.
On a lighter note... Sowbe's family and I had a good time. Sowbe's aunt and cousin arrived from their village and we all had Domino's pizza for dinner! After we had finished, Sowbe and her cousin (who was pretty afraid to talk to me) walked me back to the apartment. :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
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