Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Sizzling Brownie

This afternoon my host family and I went out to lunch with my host mother's brother and his family- to a small Italian/Mexican restaurant about ten minutes away. I've only spent a few hours with my host mother's brother's (I know, tongue twister!) family, but the time I have spent with them I've really enjoyed. They are wonderful, caring people, and I think that their daughter Sohbe and I are going to be great friends! She's a year older than I am, and therefore has to do a lot of extra tutoring and schooling before college, but we've both agreed that we'll make special plans to hang out with each other!
At lunch I decided to see what an "Indian style" Mexican dish would taste like, so I ordered an enchilada. When it came I was surprised to find that it didn't taste like an enchilada that I know, but in fact tasted something like lasagna! It's always fun to try all of the "Indian versions" of different cuisines and to compare them to the "American versions" that we have back home!
I have to say though- the best part of lunch, was desert! Sohbe had told me about the sizzling brownie the first time we ever met, and she talked about how much she loved it, so I was excited to try it! When it came it was like a little volcanoe show! The waiter brought out a dish with a brownie in the middle, and a bug scoop of vanilla icecream on top- he then dumped hot chocolate sauce over the top, and when it hit the plate below it boiled and sizzled! The plate that it was served on was super hot, and it made for the perfect contrast- the heat of the chocolate sauce and brownie, with the nice chill of the vanilla ice cream!
After lunch we all went to visit a friend of Sohbe's mother, who just so happens to live in PORTLAND OREGON! She and her family were visiting India for the summer, and it was fun for both my host brother Surya and I to talk to her and her daughters (one was our age) about the differences in the two cultures.
Now we're home again for a few hours before we go over to another friend of my host mother's for dinner tonight! She's making all of Surya's favorite foods (and most of them are my favorites too), so I'm excited!
p.s. here is a picture of me in my school uniform....


Mark Knox said...

Ahhh, my little Maria in India.

Great post Madison. Your descriptions are very good as I could see the volcano and I can even almost taste it...

That sounded like a great day!

Rob and Sara said...

Obviously, your tummy must be LOTS better if it didn't bother you to see your food erupting. haha...

How nice that you've found a compatible friend. Enjoy her friendship! And keep on meeting new people, too.

And how lucky you are that your school uniform is actually pretty cute (I think so, whether you do or not :) and not grotesquely unflattering.

A lot of the Indian school uniforms I've seen girls wearing include a men's black tie (I'd say "noose") tight around the neck and an ill-fitting men's white dress shirt. Your looks waaaaaay more comfortable!

What kinda sox and shoes go with your school dress?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I love the uniform! It sounds like you're eating well :)

knox.madison said...

the shoes are absolutely disgusting for the uniform! They're black dress shoes, and you have to wear them with LONG white socks....ewww.

Rob and Sara said...

Ewwwww is right. I was afraid of that. That's typical Indian school uniform footwear. Sigh....

On the bright side, all the other girls in your school (and in schools all across India) are equally ugh-ily shod. At least you and your schoolmates look waaaaaaaay better from the knees up than most school girls. :D

Maybe if you make constant eye contact with whoever you meet, they'll look at your eyes, and not at your feet... :D


Mark Knox said...

You gotta love how Sara is always so positive! It's just clothes and the beauty is within, besides, I wish I could where the same thing to work everyday (I can see you know thinking that I pretty much do already).

Glad to see that you got your first day of school with the new uniform over. I'm sure all of the other kids enjoyed seeing you in it too.

Anonymous said...

u fold down the they look like ankle socks and so they r not that bad....(only the 11th and 12th graders are allowed to fold down their socks....lucky us!!!!)