Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Laughing on the Van

Today I decided to write a story about a single moment today- a moment that happened on my way home from school in the van.
School had just gotten out, and as me and a few of my friends walked to the roundabout where the vans pick up in the afternoon I realized for the first time how nice the weather was. Today (for the first time) it was actually pretty cool outside. In the morning it had been windy and cool, and the afternoon turned out to be just warm instead of the usual heat that I've been experiencing (and it's supposedly been cool this whole time...).
We all waited together in the middle of all of the vans, cars and scooters for our van to come- it was late today and we finally saw that it was in fact parked outside the gate of the school! When we boarded the van I realized that this was going to be a very SQUISHED ride- there were probably about twenty kids for about twelve seats! When we pulled out, there was some one on each lap except for mine (although the girls are comfortable talking to me now they're still hesitant to touch me in any way!). We drove about one hundred feet before the van driver stopped and told some of the kids to get out and transfer into another van that was parked outside. Everyone laughed as the kids on the top layer tumbled out the doors and ran to the other van- one of the girls left her book in the hands of one of her friends, and as we were pulling away once more, her friend was waving the book out the window and yelling the girl's name- to no avail. Oh well! I guess she'll have The Little Mermaid book to read tonight when she gets home!

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