Monday, August 17, 2009

Dancing During Math

Last night (and for the rest of the week) I stayed at Piriyanga's house. Piriyanga is a girl in my grade, and she's also in my class at school. My host parents and her parents are also good friends, so it was only natural that I stay here while my host parents are away!
We woke up this morning and got ready for school- today was my first day wearing the uniform....ahhh! We left the house and Piriyanga's father drove me, Piriyanga, Praveen (Piriyanga's brother) and Theekshna (another girl in our class who lives in the same apartment) to school. As we drove through the newly wet and muddy roads, we listened to some popular Indian music from Bollywood- a great way to pump us up for a day at school!
When we arrived the bell rang and Piriyanga, Theekshna and I ran to our classroom to put our backpacks away for assembly, getting to our lines at the perfect moment when the program started. Today throughout the day there was a lot of talk about tomorrow- tomorrow there are some sort of elections going on, and no one knew (even the teachers) if tomorrow would be a holiday off from school or not.
During the first period (math) the bird outside the window of my classroom started to wail back and forth to each other, and it wasn't long before I realized that they were peacocks! Everyone started laughing, and pointing out the window- and when I looked I didn't see anything. I asked the girl who sits next to me what everyone was pointing at, and she says "look on the roof!" I looked to the right where there is a small overhang to cover the bikes, and on the roof was a peacock- dancing with his feathers unfurled and singing! As we all watched his dance, female peacocks began to join in on his song, and fly up to rest on the roof around him. This lasted the whole period, and gave us all something interesting to watch while the math teacher droled on and on!


Rob and Sara said...

Sounds like the peacocks have been watching Bollywood movies. Or, maybe, Bollywood directors get their inspiration from peacocks. :D

Sure beats watching the math teacher. ;)

knox.madison said...

Oh yea! Anything but listening to that!