Thursday, August 20, 2009

Walking for Cookies

After finishing off my fruit cup last night, Piriyanga and I went down to the bottom floor of her apartments and over to Theeksana's apartment. We knocked on the door, and when she came out we all went on a walk around the apartments. We walked around the driveway about eight times, the whole while the sky was darkening, and by the time we finished our eighth circle it was dark and the mosquitos were out! So, we said good-bye and Piriyanga and I went back up to her apartment.
A short while later, Sowbe called (she had just finished her tution) and asked if I wanted her to pick me up to come to her house and get my things from the past two nights. I said that would be fine, and after a few minutes Piriyanga walked me down to meet her and her Dad "Ram." We went back to Sowbe's and I packed up my things. Then we sat down and had chapatti that her mom had made with curry- it was soooo good! Can you tell that I'm really starting to love the food?
After that, Sowbe and I decided to go on a short walk to a small shop nearby. On the way we saw a dog on a leash- yes! Promising! A dog on a leash could mean that it's friendly (I miss having dogs!)! But, when Sowbe and I asked the owner, he said that the dog wasn't really a people person- too bad! We were both really excited to pet a dog (Sowbe loves dogs too)!
When we got to the shop there were mountains of things everywhere! Everything from cleaning supplies to fruit and chocolate! We, of course, headed strait for the sweets aisle and picked out a few of our favorites- Sowbe got some chocolate filled chocolate cookies, and I got (another) kit-kat and some cashew cookies that I ABSOLUTELY love! Then, Sowbe and I walked home the two or three blocks, talking about dogs and other GIRL stuff!
I'm having a lot of fun with Sowbe- her parents are both extremely nice people (everyone is here!) and I feel very comfortable with them. Her mother is a very religious woman, and she wants to teach me about all of the religions! I'm really excited to learn- India is such a metropolis of religion, and there's so much experience to have in that area- she even told me that we could go to a meditating class at a temple nearby, and yoga too! Apparently there is a teacher there....!
After going to Sowbe's I returned to Piriyanga's house. It was getting late, so I showered and got online to see if Skype would be possible with my Dad- and it was! It was great to talk to him! It sounds like my Mom, Sister and Grandma will be back from San Diego in a few days- they had lots of fun- Liv even mooned an entire water park (by accident of course!) when she slid down a water slide the other day! I love hearing stories like that- priceless.


Rob and Sara said...

I totally understand about the dogs! :( We had lunch at a Rotarian's house once, someone who had what appeared to be a golden lab. It was friendly and healthy and energetic. I was soooo happy to see it!! And it was happy to see me. But as soon as I started talking to it and petting it, and it was wagging all over with joy, its owner grabbed it away, apologizing, and took it outside to its kennel before I could explain that I didn't want him to... Sigh.... I coulda cried, and almost did.

Are those cookies you like Britannia cashew biscuits? We were at a non-English-speaking shop in central India once, looking for cookies, and they didn't understand "biscuits." I tried pantomiming, but all they could figure out was that I wanted something to eat. Finally, I said "Britannia?" And they said, "Ahh!" and got down every kind of cookie they had from the shelves, laid them on the counter, and I got what I was looking for.

Sowbe's mom and her ideas sound perfect for you! Oooooommmmmmmm!

BTW: Love the story about Liv. Your role in life, as a sister, is to make sure no one overlooks or forgets a sibling's Most Embarrassing Moments. :D (I know. I'm a sister, myself!) On the other hand, you better also remember Liv is a sister, too. :D hahaha...

Keep having fun!


SueC said...

Hi, Madison

Many thanks for the outstanding, faithful commentaries about your experiences! Each time I enter your blog, I look forward to reading about the people, food, school, and adjustments which you are sharing with us. (Happily your hospital stay was brief!)

I am delighted you are representing our Rotary club (and our country, for that matter). It seems to me you are approaching this exchange with an open heart and positive attitude–both of which indicate you were a perfect choice this program.

Thank you for allowing all of us to share in your adventures!

Sue Corp
Past President
Rotary Club of Ashland–Lithia Springs

Rob and Sara said...

Sue is sooooo right! I'm proud of you, too. :D

knox.madison said...

thanks you guys!

The cookies are actually called "Good Day" and they ARE cashew cookies- I don't know they could be similar? There are just SO MANY cookie options here! I'm overwhelmed by the entire aisle or more of colorful wrappers!

And yes- I'm SUPER excited about the religious part of this! I can't wait to learn how to meditate!

Unknown said...

I'm happy you're getting used to the food! You should definitely get into yoga! I've never tried it, but I've heard good things about it.

Mattie <3