Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hanging Out With The Girls

Yesterday morning at 9:00 a.m. I went downstairs to meet Apurna (the girl who lives in my apartments). Together we walked a few blocks to the main road where we waited for a few minutes to be picked up from another friend named Lavanya- it was pretty easy to spot the taxi she was in, because it had a board sign on top that said "Lavanya!"
When Lavanya had picked us up, we all drove over to Swati's house (all of these girls are in my class at school). We got there around 10:00 a.m. and spent the first hour chatting in her living room. We then went into the office and watched Michael Jackson videos in honor of his birthday (all of us were singing along)!
Around 1:30 p.m. we had a lunch of biriyani (spicy rice with some vegetables), apple, and for the first time for me, guava fruit! The guava had an interesting taste- it was sweet on the inside, but the skin had a tangy sourness that balanced the sweet.
When we had all finished our lunch, we got a ride from Swati's father back to the apartments where we all went up to Apurna's for a while. Here is where I got to do something REALLY cool- Swati was brave enough to allow me to do mahindi (henna) on her hand! I practiced a little bit on a piece of paper first, and then went at it! It was a little difficult to get the paste to come out evenly, and with my hand shaking, my lines weren't exactly straight...but I think that it turned out pretty well...for my first time! (Photos above are of Apurna, me and Swati, and then of Swati after I had finished the mahindi).


Mark Knox said...

DD - I'll trade you red meat for the henna... Disgusting!

Just say no to Michael Jackson too!

Sounds like you're making lots of friends, partying it up and having a good time. We're bored over here and we pulled weeds all day and milked the cows. You're not missing anything!

I loved the story about the taxi and dancing on the roof. Do all taxis have interchangeable copy? Did you moon walk? What kind of music? Did you ever see MJ's Pepsi commercial... the best! Nice to see the girl from NY made it. I would love to see her blog. What about Esther's?

Did you hear about us missing Surya and Pia? I'm really sorry Madison as I wanted to meet both and I wanted pictures for everyone. We're going to try and meet with Surya in a couple of weeks when we go up to Eugene for Olivia's soccer game. Hopefully, we can see Rob and Sara also.

I'm never ever taking the dogs again on a trip unless you or your sister are around! They drove me nuts; I couldn't hear mom or the radio, they kept us up at night with their snoring and they stink! You're daughter was the worst!!

Rob and Sara said...

Now, now, Mark. Henna is NOT disgusting.

Well, maybe a LITTLE... but only until the dark gunk crumbles off the hands. Then the pretty rust-colored lines are all that's left.

I've had mehendi on my hands a couple of times, once as a willing guinea pig for a teen-age beginning artist. As long as the color lasted, I thought of my young friend every time I looked at my hands. :)

Let us know when you're coming to Eugene. We'd love to see you guys. I hope it's a weekend when we're here...


knox.madison said...

Aww thanks dad!

I know that you think henna is gross- don't worry! Henna is NOT (and never will be) permanent!

I'm sure you'll be meeting Surya very soon, and since Piia is in Ashland, maybe you could ask Emile Amarotico if you could go to a meeting and meet her! I'm sure they would love for you to come one day!

I love you Dad! Talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

I love the Henna! Remember when you drew on my hand at Lilly's house? Too bad it was just sharpie :(