Sunday, April 19, 2009

Roseburg Rotary Meeting

This weekend, my family and I spent Saturday and Sunday at Phoenix (High?) school in Roseburg. This weekend's meeting focused around all of the realities of being on exchange for a year. We discussed homesickness, passports, visas, (lots of paperwork...:(...), and I found out the approximate time of my departure for India! I was told that I will be the first from my group of outbounds to depart this summer between July 12-15th. (yes...much earlier in the summer than expected).
This morning all of the outbouonds were separated from the parents and had their own private session where we could ask questions of the Rotarians. Much of this time was spent talking about the week before departure all the way up through the first few days in our new countries. Everyone is so excited about the adventure that we are all becoming ready to undertake, and several of the outbounds have even heard from their first hot families and even have pictures! Seeing the pictures, and hearing about these student's first contacts with their families had gotten me very anxious for the first email. Questions are alwas running through my head about what every aspect of this experience is going to be like, and the most common thoughts going through my mind this weekend were curiosity about my host family. Not only am I wondering about where I'll be living (considering the fact that India is HUGE), but now I am starting to become curios about smaller pieces of my soon-to-be life. The house, my bedroom, will we have a car, where will I be attending school, and of course -- will my host family like me?
All these questions and more are slowly starting to be answered for some of the outbounds, and I am so excited that it could be in the next few days that mine begin to be answered!!!!

So excited (and nervous, anxious,..etc) !!!!

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